Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 34 Your favourite quote

Tricky one. Plenty of good uns I guess. Let's see....

'Let's all look at the idiot...'

Michael McIntyre says this. About when someone is crap at driving and then when you overtake them you all look to see how crap they are. And since I heard that I've done the same.

'He's dead now!'

Homer says this in the Krusty gets Kancelled episode of simpsons. No idea why I like that so much, but I use it often.

'Friends come and go, but enemies last forever.'

As seen in some picture in the downstairs toilet of Rebecca's house. It appeals to me as I see much truth in it. I forget me friends that I don't see - but I never forget the people who pissed me off.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 32 A photo you took

Here is our dog Bonzo having a dump in our back garden. While I took it because I had a new camera and wanted to take some random test shots, I kept this due to the hidden depths this photo contains. Depth that I won't explain but allow you to discover yourselves.
(also as it's been on my camera for 2 years nearly, I'm glad Ive finally found a use for it rather than my entertainment).

Sunday 20 March 2011

Day 31 Whatever tickles your fancy

Another two weeks and another post. Maybe I'll get back into the swing of this soon. Anyway, for now, it's time to continue a look at Tony's life.

Tony - The dark year (2001)

I refer to this as the start of my dark years, but to be honest, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I'm sure my dark years don't compare to them people who have their families killed or live on the streets or something. But compared to the rest of my fairly decent life, these years were tough.

Having gone to university I found I was on the wrong course. Well, kinda. It was education studies when I waned to do teaching. But I didn't wanna disappoint, so I stuck with it. Now my first problem here was that I hadn't learnt to drive yet, and uni was a good 90 minutes away from me ( hour bus then a 30 minute walk roughly). Secondly, as I only dropped in for lectures, I can't say I made any friends. People I spoke to when I was in lectures, but no friends. This meant that when I had two lectures in a day, I'd take a 30 minute walk to Putney for lunch, then 30 minutes back for my afternoon lecture. As the year went on, I found it easier to walk 30 minutes to Putney and then walk on to a bus and go home.
This all came to a head when, at the end of the year, I knew I had 3 assignments to do. So I went on my long journey to see when they were due in. 'All three in tomorrow', was what the sign basically said. So I legged it home and started writing but my heart wasn't in it. So I handed in nothing, and two weeks later got a letter saying I was not welcome back. I tried to hide it from my mum, but she knew something was up, so went through all my stuff and found it. Boy was I in trouble. So I had several days of being sent to my Dads to look for jobs. Oh yeah, forgot to mention this part.

February 2001, and both my parents had operations for some reason. I forget. So as my Dad was off he drove me to uni one Thursday, and casually told me he was moving out and had a flat. 'Didn't anyone tell you?' he asked, 'David and Robert knew about it.' It later transpired that no one wanted to tell me cos im the sensitive one or something. Anyhoo, suddenly I was one of THOSE kids, that comes from a broken home.I weren't too happy bout it, but I dealt with it like I deal with all things - pretend it hadn't happened and just carry on. Repression is all good and English.

Easter came around and the next problem. Good chum Andrew Budden finally flipped and started sending death threats to us and the cubs we looked after. Long story there, but it basically led to the Venture Scout unit we went to being closed down.

So December came, aand with the start of the new month, Ant and Dec left SMTV. I considered this the last straw of a crappy year - not even counting the fact that 9/11 had also happened and we were all living in fear and all that. Things could only get better, I figured. Yet they didn't for quite some time.

(originally this was 2001 - 2006, but 2001 took up so much I think I'll save the rest for another day)
(although I guess this may ruin future installments now by suggesting the dark times last til 2006)

So come summer I'd pretty much pissed away or just lost everything I'd had before - education, family, social life. Things were bleak, as I spent my time working overtime at Waitrose.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 30 A letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day

Hey blog fans. Tony is back after 2 weeks.

And what a blog to start on. Erm....yeah, no idea. Probably one of the headteachers who I met at interview and then was rejected by. I mean, they were friendly if we ignore the rejection aspect. Some gave lots of nice advice and seemed genuinely interested in how I could improve my interview technique and get a job. Course others were jut rude and shit. That's life for ya though.