Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 45 A letter to yourself a year ago

Oh hai Tony.

You might not understand the Hai thing now, but in a years time you're gonna laaaaugh. Anyhoo, I come bearing warnings. You got some tough times ahead. Don't think that a job shall come to you easy. You got a lot of rejection coming your way. And it shall be worse for Becca. But you both do ok in the end, so keep plugging away at them applications. Merstham in particular, hint hint. Speaking of Becca, things shall be tough as your jobs will lead you to only having weekend visits. But you know shes worth it in the long run so stick at it.
Oh, while I'm here I think you should place a couple of quid on Man City winning the FA cup and Man Utd winning the league. Do it now!

Love from Mr Burton

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 44 Something that fascinates you and why

Blimey. All sorts. The other day I was saying how planes are kinda cool cos I have no idea how they work. Although that less fascinates me than terrifies me. Nasty things.
Also animals. Like cats and dogs and even stupider ones. Things that have no real intelligence and just walk around or sit down during the day. How mad is that? To have no real purpose in life. Just wander and eat and stuff.
Also, without sounding too pervy, sex is mad interesting. Mostly though, the idea that no matter how people are when you see them in the day, they might act totally different in a sex time. Don't wanna dwell on that too much but it does strike me as interesting. Cos I'm a big perv maybe.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day 43 A picture of your favourite place in the world

Meh. Can't say there's a place. I mean, all my favourite places are only good if the people I like are there. Thats what makes them good. Pubs no fun on my own. I like being in bed with Rebecca - but thats no fun unless she is there. I like the bath cos its where I can be on me own, but even thats crap if it has no water in it. Point proven I think.

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 42 Bad habit(s) you have

Hmm. Should be easy. Let's see...

1) Biting my nails - Have done it for years. Try to stop but i don't like finger nails so i bite them.
2)Poop-parping - I never used to fart much cos I was worried I would poo my pants. I got over that I guess, and am now quite windy.
3) Gossiping - As I said waaaay back on Day 1 or 2, I like a good gossip. Ya know, hearing what folk are up to then telling others. Always fun.
4) Lying to get myself out of trouble - Yep. Seems the best way to deal with problems. Hmm? Confront them? Nah.
5) Picking me nose - How else can I get rid of boogers?
6) Picking me ears - How else can I get rid of ear gunk?
7)Being Lazy - I lack motivation for most tasks.
8) Time keeping - I'm often late as I am too away with fairies to watch the clock.

Gee... I could go on a while here. Maybe best I stop at 8. 8 bad habits is ok right?