Friday 31 December 2010

Day 8 A photo of you taken recently

Seems most recent photos of me are of graduation with other folk. So as i wanted just me, here is a pic of me sitting on a toilet in Ikea. Taken by Dan.

What a fitting end to 2010. See you next year gang.

Thursday 30 December 2010

DAY 7 A YouTube video you find funny

Ah, Youtube. Good stuff on there isn't there?

Well I'll post a few cos I do so like these things. First off, one of my recent favourites. Now I somehow missed Keyboard Cat when he became super popular internet meme, but now I know of him and enjoy him playing people off. And this is my favourite.

This next one i found a few days back, and it's pretty genius.

And finally, 2 of my all time faves....


That'll do i think.

DAY 6 List of what you ate today

This list seems short, but i guess the school holidays make things a bit mad. I'd normally drink more coffee too, but i was travelling from Becca's house to minebetween 13.15 and 14.45 so that made things different.

10.30 - Coffee #1
11.00 - Sausage sandwich, Coffee #2
12.15 - Coffee #3
14.15 - Large BK tendercrisp meal. yummers.
15.40 - Hot chocolate #1
18.00 - Chicken with some kind of stuffing and roast potatoes and brocolli and green beans.
18.20 - Coffee # 4
18.30 - Coffee # 5
19.00 - 3 triangles of giant toblerone - raisen and biscuit flavour!

Tuesday 28 December 2010

DAY 5 A letter to an ex

Dear ex

You dont exist. And to be honest, that probably cheeses me off more than if you had existed and dumped me cruelly. Or cheated on me. Because your slightly rude inability to exist lead to me spending my early 20s being very bitter towards most of my friends. Those who had love or had exs (exes? ex's?).

Ho well, I'm happy now, so we'll safey presume that you would have become an ex one day anyway. And thus your existence or lack of it is fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Love from Tony

Monday 27 December 2010

DAY 4 A photo of you taken over ten years ago

Here is Tony as a young lad. Now this is in our current house, which places it after 1989. But i also appear to have all my front teeth which means its before Summer of '94. I'll go with early 90's, thus making Tony about 10 here. And so we have rambled enough about this photo. See y'all tomorrow. 

Sunday 26 December 2010

Day 3 - Your favourite film.

Hmmm. Can't see this one being a highlight. I don't really have favourite films, just some that I've watched a lot more than others. Most of the ones i like the most are probably the ones which stir up some memory of my childhood. Lets look shall we...

  • Return of the Jedi
Not a popular choice with some people, but it was always my preferred film of the original trilogy (and so naturally of all 6 now). Most folk say they like Empire more 'because it's darker' or 'because the bad guy win'. Me, I don't see why that makes it better. I like that Return of the Jedi has a happy ending. I'm glad the goodies all live and the baddies all die or turn good or turn good and then die. It rounds the trilogy of nicely and feels like a proper closing to the whole saga. And I liked lots of other bits that I won't go into now, cos I got other flms to chat about.

  • Naked Gun 2 1/2
Yeah, this is a childhood memory. Also a good example of how to do comedy films well. No one makes good comedies of this nature any more. (In fact, have there been any since this and Hot Shots?). Anyhoo, we rented this when i was young and I found it hilarious. I bought the dvd last year and i found it hilarious. Like Airplane, it works because its surreal yet everyone in it plays it so straight. Not sure why i always preferred Naked Gun to Airplane though. (And also RIP Leslie Nielsen).

  • View to a Kill
  • Licence to Kill
Two James Bond films no one really likes much, but Ive included em anyway. I was brought up watching James Bond films and i believe View to a Kill was one of the first I saw. We rented it from Ritz in North Cheam when it came out so that must've been the late 80's. Anyhoo, good villain in Christopher Walken, good music from Duran Duran, good set pieces on the Golden Gate Bridge, terrible choice casting a pension claiming Roger Moore for a seventh time.
Timothy Dalton was very underrated, and Licence to Kill was an excellent showcase of the Bond he could have been, had legal stuff not stopped him making more films.

  • Aliens
Most quotable film ever? It is for me.

  • Gremlins 2
Another one we rented when i was young. Just enough horror to make a 7 year Tony interested, and just enough mad weird Gremlin bits to keep a 7 year old Tony laughing. And Hulk Hogan cameos. Although conversely not in the original video copy i rented. But thats another story for another day.

I'm sure there are others I enjoy immensly, but if I sat here trying to think then I'd be wasting valuable sitting around time. So til tomorrow chilblains, adios.

Saturday 25 December 2010

DAY 2 Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day

And so this list of my day appears to have fallen on Christmas Day. How convinient. Let us observe how dull Tony's christmas is....

04.00 - Get woken by cat meowing for food. Get up and kick him out me room, shutting the door behind me.
04.05 - Hear mum getting up to feed the still meowing cat. Feel a little guilty.
08.00 - Wake up and sit on laptop in bed for a while, browsing internets.
09.30 - Get up and open presents. Dressing gown and slippers are a nice bonus, but suceed in helping me realise the end of my youth. Also get some dvds and games like i had asked for so good times there.
10.00 - Make breakfast for meself and David. 2 sausages, 2 bacons, 1 egg and 1 toast each. Didn't cook egg properly. Gave it to cat.
10.25 - Go and watch Lost series 6. First episode is interesting now i know what happens at the end.
11.10 - Get told by mum that i can't sit upstairs all day and should stay downstairs and be sociable with the rest of them. They are watching football highlights of the year and have been all morning and so i go and play donkey kong in back room. It's quite good.
12.00 - Sit and watch the start of Madagascar. I like penguins and Lemurs.
13.10 - Dinner. Not bad but Turkey ain't alf dry. Mini pack of playing cards in my cracker.
13.45 - Head upstairs for internet browsing and episode 2 of Lost.
14.45 - Come down and play Metroid. Quite good but Samus won't shut up chatting in the game.
15.30 - Play Donkey Kong again instead.
16.30 - Watch Gruffalo. Charming.
17.00 - Begin to watch 'The one Ronnie'. Break down in tears and tragedy of attempted humor throughout.
18.00 - Watch Dr Who. Fish fly around the world. Dumbledore controls the clouds or something. Katherine Jenkins sings to a shark. At least it didn't have Ronnie Corbett in it. Take off cracker paper hat from lunchtime.
19.45 - Christmas crisis arises. Bath time is delayed.
21.00 - Continue to work on crisis while watching Royle family. Quite enjoyed it this year.
22.30 - Finish writing blog for the day. Think  can post it now cos surely nothing more exciting will happen til next christmas.

So that was asically chirstmas. Dwindling family members has lessened its fun factor each each year, and with only 3 of us here this year its been quiet. But hey, i hope y'all had a nice day and i type something new tomorrow.

Friday 24 December 2010

Day 1 - Introduce yourself/likes and dislikes.

And here. we. go.

Hello there. I'm Tony. Not sure if i'm meant to be anonymous on this or not, but i guess i am not. I'm a teacher - 3 months on the job. Thus far I am an ok teacher, but would like to be the best. Like no one ever was. To teach them is my real test and to ... train them is my cause? Is that how the song went? I dunno.
In appreance I'm fairly goofy looking, and repeated attempts to look better have never lasted long due in part to laziness, and also a dislike of being that which i am not.
Anyhoo, I have meself a lovely girlfriend of 3 years and a bit, and while i spent the first 3 years complaining about having to see her all the time, I now complain about not seeing her enough. Relationships, eh?

Most people seem to have used these blogs to reveal their true inner most thoughts and things, but for now I'll just keep on with the rambling garbage. Let us ramble onto likes and dislikes.


Well I do like to be playing on the old computer games. In fact old computer games is the key there. I've developed a real nostalgia thing in recent years, preferring games that are 10 to 20 years old now. Why is this? Memories of a cherished childhood playing Sonic? Disillusionment with grown up life in general? Who can say?

I'm also a big fan of other people and knowing all about them. Now, some folk claim that gossip is bad - root of all evil n all. Me, I like it. I mean, we all just go around chatting to one another, only sharing what we want. Then suddenly one day, you hear something bout someone and you see them differently. You see the real them that they hide away. Maybe some dark family secret that explains why they are like they are. Maybe some really unexpected aspect of their private lives. Who knows. But isn't that interesting to everyone really? (Although my gossiping past has had some spitefulness to it as well, but maybe we'll dwell on that another day).


I don't like being disliked meself. I'm not always a nice person, but I don't like it much when folk don't like me. Even when i don't deserve to be liked for something. I prefer to be seen as a harmless goofball rather than someone meaning to be a shit. Even though sometimes i'm just being a shit.

I'm sure i could write all kindsa rambling crap, but maybe we'll save that for another day. I'm gonna go have a coffee.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Tony does blogging.

Blogs, eh? Seems like it's the in thing these days. So, who am I not to jump on a passing bandwagon and begin to write me own. 'But you have nothing on any interest to say!' I hear people shout. And this s indeed true, yet easily solved by merely filling out the 50 day challenge that everyone was doing a while back. For those of you out of the know, this is how it goes.

DAY 1 Introduce yourself / List your likes and dislikes
DAY 2 Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day
DAY 3 Your favourite film
DAY 4 A photo of you taken over ten years ago
DAY 5 A letter to an ex
DAY 6 List of what you ate today
DAY 7 A YouTube video you find funny
Day 8 A photo of you taken recently
Day 9 List some of your favourite bloggers
Day 10 A letter to the person you hate most or caused you a lot of pain
Day 11 Share your favorite recipe
Day 12 Post a self-portrait
Day 13 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 14 A song from your childhood
Day 15 A letter to someone you wish you could meet
Day 16 Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Day 17 A photo that makes you sad
Day 18 Set or share a goal
Day 19 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 20 A letter to someone that changed your life
Day 21 Your favourite television program
Day 22 A photo that makes you happy
Day 23 Share one of your current favourite tunes
Day 24 Time to
face morph
Day 25 A letter to someone you judged by their first impression
Day 26 Favorite books
Day 27 A talent of yours
Day 28 Favourite places to shop
Day 29
Provide the HEX code of your favorite color
Day 30 A letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 31 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 32 A photo you took
Day 33 What you’re craving right now
Day 34 Your favourite quote
Day 35 A letter to your crush
Day 36 Some hobbies of yours
Day 37 A song that you like to dance to
Day 38 A photo of your parent(s)
Day 39 Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality
Day 40 A letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 41 Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 42 Bad habit(s) you have
Day 43 A picture of your favourite place in the world
Day 44 Something that fascinates you and why
Day 45 A letter to yourself a year ago
Day 46 Photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, ect.)
Day 47 Birthday wish list
Day 48 A photo of you right now
Day 49 Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 50 A letter to your reflection in the mirror

Now that has been entirely copied of another blog without me reading it, so it could say all kindsa things. But we shall follow it nonetheless, and i'm sure we'll have a lotta fun.