Friday 24 December 2010

Day 1 - Introduce yourself/likes and dislikes.

And here. we. go.

Hello there. I'm Tony. Not sure if i'm meant to be anonymous on this or not, but i guess i am not. I'm a teacher - 3 months on the job. Thus far I am an ok teacher, but would like to be the best. Like no one ever was. To teach them is my real test and to ... train them is my cause? Is that how the song went? I dunno.
In appreance I'm fairly goofy looking, and repeated attempts to look better have never lasted long due in part to laziness, and also a dislike of being that which i am not.
Anyhoo, I have meself a lovely girlfriend of 3 years and a bit, and while i spent the first 3 years complaining about having to see her all the time, I now complain about not seeing her enough. Relationships, eh?

Most people seem to have used these blogs to reveal their true inner most thoughts and things, but for now I'll just keep on with the rambling garbage. Let us ramble onto likes and dislikes.


Well I do like to be playing on the old computer games. In fact old computer games is the key there. I've developed a real nostalgia thing in recent years, preferring games that are 10 to 20 years old now. Why is this? Memories of a cherished childhood playing Sonic? Disillusionment with grown up life in general? Who can say?

I'm also a big fan of other people and knowing all about them. Now, some folk claim that gossip is bad - root of all evil n all. Me, I like it. I mean, we all just go around chatting to one another, only sharing what we want. Then suddenly one day, you hear something bout someone and you see them differently. You see the real them that they hide away. Maybe some dark family secret that explains why they are like they are. Maybe some really unexpected aspect of their private lives. Who knows. But isn't that interesting to everyone really? (Although my gossiping past has had some spitefulness to it as well, but maybe we'll dwell on that another day).


I don't like being disliked meself. I'm not always a nice person, but I don't like it much when folk don't like me. Even when i don't deserve to be liked for something. I prefer to be seen as a harmless goofball rather than someone meaning to be a shit. Even though sometimes i'm just being a shit.

I'm sure i could write all kindsa rambling crap, but maybe we'll save that for another day. I'm gonna go have a coffee.

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