Sunday 26 December 2010

Day 3 - Your favourite film.

Hmmm. Can't see this one being a highlight. I don't really have favourite films, just some that I've watched a lot more than others. Most of the ones i like the most are probably the ones which stir up some memory of my childhood. Lets look shall we...

  • Return of the Jedi
Not a popular choice with some people, but it was always my preferred film of the original trilogy (and so naturally of all 6 now). Most folk say they like Empire more 'because it's darker' or 'because the bad guy win'. Me, I don't see why that makes it better. I like that Return of the Jedi has a happy ending. I'm glad the goodies all live and the baddies all die or turn good or turn good and then die. It rounds the trilogy of nicely and feels like a proper closing to the whole saga. And I liked lots of other bits that I won't go into now, cos I got other flms to chat about.

  • Naked Gun 2 1/2
Yeah, this is a childhood memory. Also a good example of how to do comedy films well. No one makes good comedies of this nature any more. (In fact, have there been any since this and Hot Shots?). Anyhoo, we rented this when i was young and I found it hilarious. I bought the dvd last year and i found it hilarious. Like Airplane, it works because its surreal yet everyone in it plays it so straight. Not sure why i always preferred Naked Gun to Airplane though. (And also RIP Leslie Nielsen).

  • View to a Kill
  • Licence to Kill
Two James Bond films no one really likes much, but Ive included em anyway. I was brought up watching James Bond films and i believe View to a Kill was one of the first I saw. We rented it from Ritz in North Cheam when it came out so that must've been the late 80's. Anyhoo, good villain in Christopher Walken, good music from Duran Duran, good set pieces on the Golden Gate Bridge, terrible choice casting a pension claiming Roger Moore for a seventh time.
Timothy Dalton was very underrated, and Licence to Kill was an excellent showcase of the Bond he could have been, had legal stuff not stopped him making more films.

  • Aliens
Most quotable film ever? It is for me.

  • Gremlins 2
Another one we rented when i was young. Just enough horror to make a 7 year Tony interested, and just enough mad weird Gremlin bits to keep a 7 year old Tony laughing. And Hulk Hogan cameos. Although conversely not in the original video copy i rented. But thats another story for another day.

I'm sure there are others I enjoy immensly, but if I sat here trying to think then I'd be wasting valuable sitting around time. So til tomorrow chilblains, adios.

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