Monday 3 January 2011

Day 10 A letter to the person you hate most or caused you a lot of pain


You may not remember me, but you sure did piss me off a while back. I almost wrote some jokey made up letter, but I figured it would work out better if I wrote to someone who actually pissed me off. The problem was, and still is I guess, that you never really knew or understood how much you cheesed me off, nor did you or will you ever understand why your actions caused me to have to regard you as my arch nemesis for life. Heck, the girl you took, I don't even think I liked her that much when I look at it in retrospect. But come on! I'd been alone for 23 years by this stage. You could have just let me had a small bit of success, even if it was clearly doomed to fail sooner or later. Yeah, I was having bad times for sure. But our little MSN conversation tipped me over let me tell you, and this is where the hate comes in. Or came in. past tense. Yeah, I remember it well. You came and told me you knew my feelings but were going to 'take her off me'. My natural response was fairly expletive based, but your reply cut me bad.
'I don't know why you're mad at me. It's not my fault that girls think I'm better looking than you.'
Now I'll never know whether you meant that as a KO blow to me, or whether the fact that you'd never failed in love meant that you couldn't comprehend how I felt. But as someone who was growing a little desperate and needed reassurance that nice guys could eventually win the girl, it was a comment which was covered in stark reality. Cos I knew that in the real world, girls would always go for good looking guys over the guys who just wanna look after them. And indeed she did.
But it's ok. Cos I fled to America, and got a little bit of confidence. And now things are much better.
So score one for the good guys!

Love from Tony

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