Sunday 30 January 2011

Day 21 Your favourite television program

Tony sure does like tv. Not sure what I could call my favourite though. So lets look at a few.

The Simpsons - Every one likes it, but only the mega fanboys would try to claim that it's as good as it ever was. It's still funny, for sure. But in the older episodes there was a real backbone of a story. And you believed that they were a real family who just did odd things occasionally. Nowadays nothing can be resolved without some wacky, outlandish routine tacked on to the it. Like the other day I saw the one where Homer gets addicted to marijuina. And by the end him and Smithers were using Mr Burns' dead body as a puppet. Whats that about eh?

Lost - Super awesome show. It is true that the last season wasn't the best, but it would never have been as good as the other 5 series. It could either be lame and try to resolve every single mystery one by one, or it could ignore a few of them and just concentrate on a tale that would lead to a finale. I could witter on about how much I enjoyed their take on time travel (which incidentally is the same as mine) or how even the shittier characters felt fairly believable. But the last 5 minutes made me well up with tears, and so that's a good show right there.

Special shout outs to those children's shows that stayed with me as well

Knightmare - Outstanding show. Ahead of its time and still kinda fun to watch now. Even though computer graphics are way ahead of that now. They could certainly make a new show in a similar vein - you know dungeons and dragons style thing.

Dangermouse - Very funny still. Loved Penfold, but so does everyone.

Sooty and Sweep - I know the show wasn't called that, but the latest Sweep obsession gfoing round these parts reminds me how funny Sweep was.

Gamesmaster - Dexter Fletcher made it bad, but at the time it was the only tv show like it. And as a game nerd I always watched it until they axed it. Sob.

That'll do. I'm sure there are more but you'll all have to do without knowing them.

1 comment:

  1. Sweep obsession? Doesn't seem to be going round these parts. I particularly like your Simsons example which certainly is a bit crazy.
