Monday 25 April 2011

Day 40 A letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to

To all my Grandparents

I'm writing mostly cos i feel guilty. As a family we never really got on, and when the family began to fall apart you guys were all victims n all. Grandma and Grandpa were ignored by those who supported me Mum, and so I felt sort of guilty even visiting, knowing that I'd get the piss ripped out of me when I got home. And so I didn't visit as much as I should have. And Nan used to sit in her chair and only occasionaly talk to us when we went over, so I figured you didn't really want to talk to us much. But only in your last few days did I realise how much we all meant to you. And the sitting reading magazines was just how you were. Just cos you didn't talk to us non stop like Grandma, didn't mean you didn't love us. The opposite was true. And only when hearing folk say at Grandma's funeral how much she loved having us over as children, did I realise how horrible it must have been to have your only Grandchildren suddenly either blank you entirely or visit you out of guilt rather than wanting to visit you. And as you are all now gone I'm afraid I can't change the things that were done, or apologise for them.

From Tony

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