Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 41 Whatever tickles your fancy

Let's continue where we left off.

Tony - The Waitrose years (2001 - 2006)

My first full time year at Waitrose was a bit grim. My brothers were off to Uni making it fairly obvious to me how much I'd blown all I had. But I soon settled into a happy rut with my shelf stacking. Repetetive tasks appeal to me fair bit for some reason, so stacking and pricing was an alright time. And I began to make a large number of very good friends.

Unfortunately, this was also the time I hit another down point. While I knew many people my age who were single, I knew no one else who'd never had any luck with girls. In my defence. by this point I'd not had much chance. Went to a boys school and spent my free time with other guys in scouts. Or scouting type things. So the time came to find love. But this did not happen. While I shan't name folk involved, I chased a number of lovely ladies. Some more lovely than others. Looking back though, a lot of my problem was that I was looking for a happy ever after love type thing. When most 18 - 20 year olds don't wanna settle down. They want sex and booze and drugs and stuff. Or at least sex. So over 5 years i longed for about 3 different girls, and each eventual knock back (normally from said girl moving away - I never developed the spine to ask them out or anything) drove me a little more off the wall shall we say. By the time I was longing for a friend who chose another guy, I was right on the edge.

So rather than dig a deeper hole for meself while my friends all found love, or better jobs or both, I looked for a way out. And that way came a calling when Linda from the office suggested CAmp America. Which shall be a story for another day.

1 comment:

  1. There are no more "whatever tickles your fancy"s. How will we know what happened after 2007!!?!??!
