Sunday 4 September 2011

Tony (and Becca's) gaming achievement #2

So we completed Bubble Bobble the other night. S'not really a hard game as such, but its 100 levels long so takes a long ol slog. Also, we had infinite money as it was on the playstation and not in the arcade. If we were playing it for real, probably would have cost about 30 quid in terms of money used to continue.
What does suck tho, is after finishing it, I read that there is a special and really convoluted way to get a better ending and complete it for real. So maybe another day!

Friday 29 July 2011

Tony's gaming achievement for the day

So, I just finished Zelda 2 - Adventures of Link (I think that's its subtitle). Insanely hard game, and I'll admit I had to use a map to get through the last palace. But that is crazy complicated looking level. Hey, take a look at it.

Anyhoo, I posted this cos it gave me a nice sense of accomplishment. Something you don't get so often with games today, what with saving and infinite lives n all. Maybe I'll see what else I can achieve. Game wise.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Day 50 A letter to your reflection in the mirror

Dear mirror Tony

You look awful. Go and get some sleep.  and sort out that bit of hair that is sticking out the side of your head.

Love from Real Tony

So there we have it. 50 day challenge. And it only took 208 days. Kinda defeats the purpose i guess...

Monday 11 July 2011

Day 49 Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Oooo. Well I'd like to move into the place me and Becca have rented and have a big tv. Maybe rigged up with good sound and stuff. Then have friends round and rock the joint like the olden days. And let Becca pick all the aesthetic stuff as that's her field and i don't wanna be treading on her toes.
And also i'd like to earn some respect at my place of work. Both from colleagues and pupils.
And I'd like to work on seeing my chums more often. All of them. Or at least the ones i like. The ones i don't like ive not seen in years so thats ok.
That's enough for one year i think.

Day 48 A photo of you right now

Here we go. Thanks to webcams this was no real effort. It is nearly bedtime and im tired and grumpy. Is what the title of this photo shall be.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Day 47 Birthday wish list

Birthday, eh? Well I shall be 30 so it might be exciting. In which case I would like the new Sonic game. Thank you birthday Santa.

Day 46 Photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, ect.)

It's been a long time since I've posted here, and that's mostly cos of this one. Photos? I don't have the time or energy to be taking photos and posting them. So let's skip this one and just get on with something else.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 45 A letter to yourself a year ago

Oh hai Tony.

You might not understand the Hai thing now, but in a years time you're gonna laaaaugh. Anyhoo, I come bearing warnings. You got some tough times ahead. Don't think that a job shall come to you easy. You got a lot of rejection coming your way. And it shall be worse for Becca. But you both do ok in the end, so keep plugging away at them applications. Merstham in particular, hint hint. Speaking of Becca, things shall be tough as your jobs will lead you to only having weekend visits. But you know shes worth it in the long run so stick at it.
Oh, while I'm here I think you should place a couple of quid on Man City winning the FA cup and Man Utd winning the league. Do it now!

Love from Mr Burton

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 44 Something that fascinates you and why

Blimey. All sorts. The other day I was saying how planes are kinda cool cos I have no idea how they work. Although that less fascinates me than terrifies me. Nasty things.
Also animals. Like cats and dogs and even stupider ones. Things that have no real intelligence and just walk around or sit down during the day. How mad is that? To have no real purpose in life. Just wander and eat and stuff.
Also, without sounding too pervy, sex is mad interesting. Mostly though, the idea that no matter how people are when you see them in the day, they might act totally different in a sex time. Don't wanna dwell on that too much but it does strike me as interesting. Cos I'm a big perv maybe.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day 43 A picture of your favourite place in the world

Meh. Can't say there's a place. I mean, all my favourite places are only good if the people I like are there. Thats what makes them good. Pubs no fun on my own. I like being in bed with Rebecca - but thats no fun unless she is there. I like the bath cos its where I can be on me own, but even thats crap if it has no water in it. Point proven I think.

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 42 Bad habit(s) you have

Hmm. Should be easy. Let's see...

1) Biting my nails - Have done it for years. Try to stop but i don't like finger nails so i bite them.
2)Poop-parping - I never used to fart much cos I was worried I would poo my pants. I got over that I guess, and am now quite windy.
3) Gossiping - As I said waaaay back on Day 1 or 2, I like a good gossip. Ya know, hearing what folk are up to then telling others. Always fun.
4) Lying to get myself out of trouble - Yep. Seems the best way to deal with problems. Hmm? Confront them? Nah.
5) Picking me nose - How else can I get rid of boogers?
6) Picking me ears - How else can I get rid of ear gunk?
7)Being Lazy - I lack motivation for most tasks.
8) Time keeping - I'm often late as I am too away with fairies to watch the clock.

Gee... I could go on a while here. Maybe best I stop at 8. 8 bad habits is ok right?

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 41 Whatever tickles your fancy

Let's continue where we left off.

Tony - The Waitrose years (2001 - 2006)

My first full time year at Waitrose was a bit grim. My brothers were off to Uni making it fairly obvious to me how much I'd blown all I had. But I soon settled into a happy rut with my shelf stacking. Repetetive tasks appeal to me fair bit for some reason, so stacking and pricing was an alright time. And I began to make a large number of very good friends.

Unfortunately, this was also the time I hit another down point. While I knew many people my age who were single, I knew no one else who'd never had any luck with girls. In my defence. by this point I'd not had much chance. Went to a boys school and spent my free time with other guys in scouts. Or scouting type things. So the time came to find love. But this did not happen. While I shan't name folk involved, I chased a number of lovely ladies. Some more lovely than others. Looking back though, a lot of my problem was that I was looking for a happy ever after love type thing. When most 18 - 20 year olds don't wanna settle down. They want sex and booze and drugs and stuff. Or at least sex. So over 5 years i longed for about 3 different girls, and each eventual knock back (normally from said girl moving away - I never developed the spine to ask them out or anything) drove me a little more off the wall shall we say. By the time I was longing for a friend who chose another guy, I was right on the edge.

So rather than dig a deeper hole for meself while my friends all found love, or better jobs or both, I looked for a way out. And that way came a calling when Linda from the office suggested CAmp America. Which shall be a story for another day.

Monday 25 April 2011

Day 40 A letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to

To all my Grandparents

I'm writing mostly cos i feel guilty. As a family we never really got on, and when the family began to fall apart you guys were all victims n all. Grandma and Grandpa were ignored by those who supported me Mum, and so I felt sort of guilty even visiting, knowing that I'd get the piss ripped out of me when I got home. And so I didn't visit as much as I should have. And Nan used to sit in her chair and only occasionaly talk to us when we went over, so I figured you didn't really want to talk to us much. But only in your last few days did I realise how much we all meant to you. And the sitting reading magazines was just how you were. Just cos you didn't talk to us non stop like Grandma, didn't mean you didn't love us. The opposite was true. And only when hearing folk say at Grandma's funeral how much she loved having us over as children, did I realise how horrible it must have been to have your only Grandchildren suddenly either blank you entirely or visit you out of guilt rather than wanting to visit you. And as you are all now gone I'm afraid I can't change the things that were done, or apologise for them.

From Tony

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Day 39 Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality

As I'm waaaaay behind on this, let's do two today.

I am a Capricorn! We are : Practical and prudent
Ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful
Humorous and reserved

and also

Pessimistic and fatalistic
Miserly and grudging

Well I'm certainly pessimistic. I'm very grudging. Not particularly ambitious, patient, careful or disciplined. So it seems I fulfil all of capricorns worst traits. Goooo me!

Day 38 A photo of your parent(s)

Hey blog fans. Tony is back from holidaying. Lets see if i can dig out some photos here.

Here's me dad, in 2006 I believe. He looks much the same now.

And rather than put effort into finding a photo of me Mum, I just browsed Facebook, where she appears once. She be front left opposite my dad. Also here is Rebecca's Mum, Granny and Granddad. And me and Becca.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Day 37 A song that you like to dance to

Dancing ain't really my thang. Maybe 'a song you like to wave your arms in a camp manner to while singing along' shall be more appropriate.
And convieniently I have two such songs that I like doing that to right now.

I didn't really know this til Becca bought me a Boney M cd for me car. Now it is a regular. I specially like the key change before the third verse. If that is a key change. Im not sure. I hear these words and use em to sound clever. Anyway, thats the bit i generally let go of the sterring wheel and start bouncing.

Whats next...

Most kids my age first heard this in Short Circuit 2. Kids today know it from Shrek 2. Everyone should know that it is awesome. A song that must be cranked up to 11. Specially during the little bit before the end. I dunno what you call those bits. Ya know, where its different to the rst of the song. You'll know it whne you hear it.

Friday 8 April 2011

Day 36 Some hobbies of yours

Sitting on my arse mostly. Although that may be more of a habit than a hobby. Same goes with being a geek. Although I've recently begun trying to embrace nerdom rather than pretend I'm above it all. Nostalgia is the means to do that. And so I will count my hobby as reliving my childhood through old tv shows, games and... no..just those two things.

Monday 4 April 2011

Day 35 A letter to your crush

Nah. I'll pass on this. I mean, I don't have a crush. As far as I know, crushes aren't often returned. And also as far as I know, all my physical attraction for one girl is returned. Maybe not all the time but enough for me to warrant not writing a letter.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 34 Your favourite quote

Tricky one. Plenty of good uns I guess. Let's see....

'Let's all look at the idiot...'

Michael McIntyre says this. About when someone is crap at driving and then when you overtake them you all look to see how crap they are. And since I heard that I've done the same.

'He's dead now!'

Homer says this in the Krusty gets Kancelled episode of simpsons. No idea why I like that so much, but I use it often.

'Friends come and go, but enemies last forever.'

As seen in some picture in the downstairs toilet of Rebecca's house. It appeals to me as I see much truth in it. I forget me friends that I don't see - but I never forget the people who pissed me off.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 32 A photo you took

Here is our dog Bonzo having a dump in our back garden. While I took it because I had a new camera and wanted to take some random test shots, I kept this due to the hidden depths this photo contains. Depth that I won't explain but allow you to discover yourselves.
(also as it's been on my camera for 2 years nearly, I'm glad Ive finally found a use for it rather than my entertainment).

Sunday 20 March 2011

Day 31 Whatever tickles your fancy

Another two weeks and another post. Maybe I'll get back into the swing of this soon. Anyway, for now, it's time to continue a look at Tony's life.

Tony - The dark year (2001)

I refer to this as the start of my dark years, but to be honest, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I'm sure my dark years don't compare to them people who have their families killed or live on the streets or something. But compared to the rest of my fairly decent life, these years were tough.

Having gone to university I found I was on the wrong course. Well, kinda. It was education studies when I waned to do teaching. But I didn't wanna disappoint, so I stuck with it. Now my first problem here was that I hadn't learnt to drive yet, and uni was a good 90 minutes away from me ( hour bus then a 30 minute walk roughly). Secondly, as I only dropped in for lectures, I can't say I made any friends. People I spoke to when I was in lectures, but no friends. This meant that when I had two lectures in a day, I'd take a 30 minute walk to Putney for lunch, then 30 minutes back for my afternoon lecture. As the year went on, I found it easier to walk 30 minutes to Putney and then walk on to a bus and go home.
This all came to a head when, at the end of the year, I knew I had 3 assignments to do. So I went on my long journey to see when they were due in. 'All three in tomorrow', was what the sign basically said. So I legged it home and started writing but my heart wasn't in it. So I handed in nothing, and two weeks later got a letter saying I was not welcome back. I tried to hide it from my mum, but she knew something was up, so went through all my stuff and found it. Boy was I in trouble. So I had several days of being sent to my Dads to look for jobs. Oh yeah, forgot to mention this part.

February 2001, and both my parents had operations for some reason. I forget. So as my Dad was off he drove me to uni one Thursday, and casually told me he was moving out and had a flat. 'Didn't anyone tell you?' he asked, 'David and Robert knew about it.' It later transpired that no one wanted to tell me cos im the sensitive one or something. Anyhoo, suddenly I was one of THOSE kids, that comes from a broken home.I weren't too happy bout it, but I dealt with it like I deal with all things - pretend it hadn't happened and just carry on. Repression is all good and English.

Easter came around and the next problem. Good chum Andrew Budden finally flipped and started sending death threats to us and the cubs we looked after. Long story there, but it basically led to the Venture Scout unit we went to being closed down.

So December came, aand with the start of the new month, Ant and Dec left SMTV. I considered this the last straw of a crappy year - not even counting the fact that 9/11 had also happened and we were all living in fear and all that. Things could only get better, I figured. Yet they didn't for quite some time.

(originally this was 2001 - 2006, but 2001 took up so much I think I'll save the rest for another day)
(although I guess this may ruin future installments now by suggesting the dark times last til 2006)

So come summer I'd pretty much pissed away or just lost everything I'd had before - education, family, social life. Things were bleak, as I spent my time working overtime at Waitrose.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 30 A letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day

Hey blog fans. Tony is back after 2 weeks.

And what a blog to start on. Erm....yeah, no idea. Probably one of the headteachers who I met at interview and then was rejected by. I mean, they were friendly if we ignore the rejection aspect. Some gave lots of nice advice and seemed genuinely interested in how I could improve my interview technique and get a job. Course others were jut rude and shit. That's life for ya though.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Saturday 19 February 2011

Day 28 Favourite places to shop

Shop? Hmmm. I'm much more up for browsing than buying. Which is why i do like a wander around HMV, to see games and dvds i'd like. But also e bay, so i can find old games and consoles i wish i had. Or had had when i was a young un.
That is all.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Day 27 A talent of yours

This is a tricky one, as I would never really think of myself as talented at anything. I mean, I can't draw, sing, write well, play sport, etc. Then Log was chatting about why people hated her at the start of uni, and thats when I figured this was my only talent as such:

Being able to get away with doing and saying things most folk wouldn't.

No idea why people let me off with so much. Maybe I'm charming. Maybe they just think I'm dim or something and don't know what I'm doing. Whatever Log did to piss people off, I'm sure I did worse. It's just that I was laughed at while Log was disliked. For a period anyway. So that shall be my talent - the abilty to abuse people without repercussion.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Day 26 Favorite books

Books, eh? Well as a teacher I should probably read more than I do, but lets see what I can think of.

Goblet Of Fire

I'll start with a predictable Harry Potter choice. Everyone likes Harry Potter, and book 4 was my favourite. I liked that it suddenly turned quite nasty and brutal with Cedric Diggory getting killed n all. Book 7 is a close second though as I think it finished things of nicely.

The Hobbit

This has made it just ebcause I remember my Dad reading it to me every night when I was young. Can;t remember much apart from the its that were picked up in the Lord of the Rings - bits like Bilbo having a riddle fight with Gollum. But I've just started reading it again so hopefully I'll remember more.

Private Peaceful

Michael Morpurgo time! Super children's author who writes things as they are. Which is why this World War 1 story about two brothers going to war is really kinda touching and sad. As its based on real stuff that Allies did do to their own side. Trying not to ruin the end too much there.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I only started to read these as all my children read them. But they're really kinda funny. They have a good 'cut away to a picture gag' sense of humor going on in them which had me lol ing as I read. Kids still stay 'lol', right?

Saturday 12 February 2011

Day 25 A letter to someone you judged by their first impression

I shall break the trend and write to another of my lovely followers.

Dear Log

When we started Uni you pissed off a lot of people. Jumping on the bandwagon I also decided to be mean. Then I met you. You were drunk and smashed my beer glass. It was super big and Id stolen it from a curry house. You silly bitch, I thought.
But then I ended up being your friend. Aaaaand while I'm too lazy to ever visit or maintain regular contact, I'm sure I shall try to keep being your friend.

Fwom Tony

Monday 7 February 2011

Day 24 Time to face morph I always though this looked stupid when others did. And what do ya know - I was right!
Let's see what we have:

Here is Tony as a young lad. Apparently. I look slightly thinner...and mildly disabled. What's next?

Here is Tony as a girl. I think. I don't really see the difference. Dunno if that is saying something about me...
Super Manga Tony!! Yeah...not bad i guess.
Monkey Tony looks awfully similar to regular Tony as well. I do wonder if this thing is trying to tell me something.

Drunk Tony. I seem to have taken an over dose of tooth whitener as well as excessive alcohol. Is it called tooth whitener? I dunno. Probably not.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Day 23 Share one of your current favourite tunes

Ah, should be easy. Somehow I got through my 80's childhood without ever seeing Labyrinth. That problem was sorted when i bought it last week (and nearly stopped for shoplifting it, but thats another story for another day). As such 'Magic Dance' has had regular listens recently. Aaaaaaaand here it is.

Monday 31 January 2011

Day 22 A photo that makes you happy

Another obvious cheesy one, but here we are.

It combines my two of my favourite accomplishments - getting a degree and finding a lovely girlfriend. If i could have superimposed an image of me finding a job in the background it would have been even better, but this will do for now.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Day 21 Your favourite television program

Tony sure does like tv. Not sure what I could call my favourite though. So lets look at a few.

The Simpsons - Every one likes it, but only the mega fanboys would try to claim that it's as good as it ever was. It's still funny, for sure. But in the older episodes there was a real backbone of a story. And you believed that they were a real family who just did odd things occasionally. Nowadays nothing can be resolved without some wacky, outlandish routine tacked on to the it. Like the other day I saw the one where Homer gets addicted to marijuina. And by the end him and Smithers were using Mr Burns' dead body as a puppet. Whats that about eh?

Lost - Super awesome show. It is true that the last season wasn't the best, but it would never have been as good as the other 5 series. It could either be lame and try to resolve every single mystery one by one, or it could ignore a few of them and just concentrate on a tale that would lead to a finale. I could witter on about how much I enjoyed their take on time travel (which incidentally is the same as mine) or how even the shittier characters felt fairly believable. But the last 5 minutes made me well up with tears, and so that's a good show right there.

Special shout outs to those children's shows that stayed with me as well

Knightmare - Outstanding show. Ahead of its time and still kinda fun to watch now. Even though computer graphics are way ahead of that now. They could certainly make a new show in a similar vein - you know dungeons and dragons style thing.

Dangermouse - Very funny still. Loved Penfold, but so does everyone.

Sooty and Sweep - I know the show wasn't called that, but the latest Sweep obsession gfoing round these parts reminds me how funny Sweep was.

Gamesmaster - Dexter Fletcher made it bad, but at the time it was the only tv show like it. And as a game nerd I always watched it until they axed it. Sob.

That'll do. I'm sure there are more but you'll all have to do without knowing them.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Day 20 A letter to someone that changed your life

Well I'd like to be less predictable but I guess I'll have to go with the easy option here.

Dear Rebecca

You did change my life well. Before I met you I was bitter and twisted and lonely. Then you came and took me as I was and loved me. And I loved you back. And we were happy. And still are.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Day 19 Whatever tickles your fancy

Time to take another look back at Tony's life. I think we left off in 1991. Vanilla Ice and Mc Hammer ruled the world, Sonic the Hedgehog was selling its millions and most the children i now teach were 9 years off being born....

Tony - The teenage years (1991 - 2000)

Tony was still doing well at school, this being junior school still. Come year 6 and Tony was still in the top of the class. Especially as Janegan had left now to go to another school. The 11+ tests came around and Tony passed, getting a score of 227 i believe. (I think you needed 195 to pass). So off to Sutton Grammar I did go.

Now unfortunately, being a smart fish in a stupid pond stops being fun when you move to a smarter pond. Which is what Sutton Grammar was. Still I was smarter than most, just stupider than most in the class. With my intelligence not seeming as great as it once had been, my role as class clown became far more pronounced. This was of course a blessing and a curse. My year 7 bullying time disappeared, as the bullies went onto the proper geeks, rather than the kinda weird/amusing geeks (that was me).Alas, I was known throughout the school by teachers as someone who'd rather prat around than work hard. And I know how much that pisses off teachers. Or at least i do now.

So fast forward to 1998, and the GCSEs were upon us. I wanted to stay on to Sutton Grammars sixth form, but hopes were a little low. After all, I'd wasted most of my school life dicking around telling jokes. But yatta! I came out with the 4 B's I needed. Off to sixth form I went - where my inablility to work hard increased.

Those who were the bottom of the smart pond had gone, leaving those of us who scraped in as the little stupid fishes sucking dirt off the pond floor. But by now I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do in life. And when you have only 2 years left to decide it ain't good. Especially when you go to the computer room to write a personal statement and then get involved in a quake tournament. Quake was new back then. And it rocked. So no UCAS form and no personal statement, Tony had no plans.

'I think I might take a year off', I said to my Mum in May, knowing that it was too late to really do anything else.
'No you won't' she replied. 'You get a job or you go to university. I'm not having you lying around for a year.' And so, with 14 days til the closing date for UCAS forms, I went to decide my future after school.

And so we're now in the year 2000. A lovely time to leave this. Next time - Tony's lazy life catches up with him as we enter the darker years.

Monday 24 January 2011

Day 18 Set or share a goal

For when? Soon? Well getting a place for me and my beloved would be good. Hopefully this year but who can tell what the winds of change might bring. And in the long term? Well that 'm' word keeps popping up in convos, and I guess I can't avoid it forever.....

Saturday 22 January 2011

Day 17 A photo that makes you sad

This was another tricky one kids. What could possibly make Tony sad? So I went with an easy option (a photo I could find on facebooks).

This is sad for a number of reasons.
1) Block 3 was one of my favourite times ever. Every day was a blast, or at least gossip-filled drama.
2) I made some good friends, and some of them I probably won't see much anymore. Some of them I'll probably never see again even.
3) Dukes decided not to be in the photo, so even when reminiscing, I won't recall what her face looks like.

Now I will go for a little cry.  (sob sniff, snuffle)

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Day 16 Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes

Hey blog fans.
I've not updated this in ages, simply because I couldn't think of how to fill this one. And it's not cos I'm worried I'll offend Becca or something by naming crushes. Its just that I've not reallt fancied celebrities. None of them ever interested me. I was always far more interested in having crushes on people i knew, as I always figured I'd have more chance with friends. Back in me single days this is. So rather than try and pick some girls that most men would pick, to try and fit in and be cool I'll just leave this and do something better tomorrow.


Thursday 13 January 2011

Day 15 A letter to someone you wish you could meet

Dear Boba Fett

Be careful with that jetpack of yours. It might end in tears one day.

Love from Tony

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Day 14 A song from your childhood

I'm sure most of my childhood was just listening to the kind of random, inane songs that little kids listen to. You know, those ones that you kinda have some weird half memory of 20 years later, but can't quite recall if they were real or some dream. But hey, heres one I do remember being on a tape my Grandma used to play. And I think I posted it on the facebooks a while back, but here it is again.

Even with this mad video, tis a classic.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Day 13 Whatever tickles your fancy

Egad, what happened? 3 days without posting? Guess teachers are busier than I first figured. And I'm also at Becca's right now so I have a little less time to just sit around typing stuff up. But hey, here I am, with Day 13 (which I believe is now 17 days after I started this. Or maybe 18). What does tickle my fancy then? I think a study of Tony's life.

Tony - The early years (1981 - 1991)

I think a ten year span is a nice start. Born on 31st December at about 4am, I don't recall much of my early life. What with being a baby and all. I believe my earliest memory is my 3rd birthday, as I had a cake the shape of a cat. It was brown. Next I remember being at my brother's christening. I was sitting next to my Nan....that's all I remember. David and Robert were born 2nd February 1984, so I imagine this memory is 1984 sometime.
I started Cheam Park Farm Infant school in 1985 I think. There I met long term chum Andrew Budden. He was playing some game with Janegan Annilingham and I believe I latched onto them both. The three of us were to become class boffins, and when James Guzy joined us in year 2 (or top year as it was when we infants) we were four good and clever chums. Being super smart meant that primary school was always a good time for me. It was a shame that I was always third smartest in the class, but when Janegan moved schools at the end of year 5 I was upgraded to second. Just.

So life was good in these years. However, bad times were starting to form.

I don't remember my Uncle Gerald dying, but I know from later conversations that it happened while we were on holiday and so had to come back early. This was 1987....I think August. However, I do remember Uncle Curly (David) getting killed some 8 or 9 months later. Myself and my brothers were playing in the garden, when Mum came out clutching her head and told us to get the Moffats, who were our nice elderly neighbours. We thought she was sick, but she wasn't. She just been given bad news. Perhaps I was too young to appreciate the gravity of all this, but I imagine that losing 2 brothers in the space of a year was pretty tough for all involved - Mum, Nan and Granddad. But I was young and had no idea so continued being quite happy and smart. By my 10th birthday I would have been in year 5, so I think we shall stop just now. (As I now teach year 5, it seems to have worked out well).

I think there are more whatever i fancy entries on this thing, so we'll continue my life then. Byeee.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day 12 Post a self-portrait

The crapiness of this is more from my inabilty to draw with a touchpad than anything. But i think it covers everything - the oversized ears, the unkempt hair, and the overall goofy look.
Lovely stuff.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Day 11 Share your favorite recipe

Ingredients : Bread

Place 2 - 3 slices of bread under the grill until toasted on one side.
Place several slices of cheese on the untoasted sides and then grill again.
Once cheese has melted, take out of grill and eat.

Well that was certainly simpler than yesterday's. Ciao

Monday 3 January 2011

Day 10 A letter to the person you hate most or caused you a lot of pain


You may not remember me, but you sure did piss me off a while back. I almost wrote some jokey made up letter, but I figured it would work out better if I wrote to someone who actually pissed me off. The problem was, and still is I guess, that you never really knew or understood how much you cheesed me off, nor did you or will you ever understand why your actions caused me to have to regard you as my arch nemesis for life. Heck, the girl you took, I don't even think I liked her that much when I look at it in retrospect. But come on! I'd been alone for 23 years by this stage. You could have just let me had a small bit of success, even if it was clearly doomed to fail sooner or later. Yeah, I was having bad times for sure. But our little MSN conversation tipped me over let me tell you, and this is where the hate comes in. Or came in. past tense. Yeah, I remember it well. You came and told me you knew my feelings but were going to 'take her off me'. My natural response was fairly expletive based, but your reply cut me bad.
'I don't know why you're mad at me. It's not my fault that girls think I'm better looking than you.'
Now I'll never know whether you meant that as a KO blow to me, or whether the fact that you'd never failed in love meant that you couldn't comprehend how I felt. But as someone who was growing a little desperate and needed reassurance that nice guys could eventually win the girl, it was a comment which was covered in stark reality. Cos I knew that in the real world, girls would always go for good looking guys over the guys who just wanna look after them. And indeed she did.
But it's ok. Cos I fled to America, and got a little bit of confidence. And now things are much better.
So score one for the good guys!

Love from Tony

Sunday 2 January 2011

Day 9 List some of your favourite bloggers

Hey gang.

Seems i missed the first day of 2011, cos I was at Dan and Aimee's house. So here we are, on the 2nd of January with a new blog entry. And what is it today? Oh....favourite bloggers? Sounds crap. And also fairly pointless as most the people who read this are no doubt people who have their own blogs which inspired me to write this one. So lets see then...

Oh look, it's Aimee Hannah's blog. Pretty good stuff but fairly pointless if you don't know her. I liked her day 20 entry best. Good stuff.

Oh and here is the blog of Tabitha De Garis. Check out her crazy ramblings, or just the quite touching Day 40 entry she did a while back.

And how about Steven's 'Adventures of a Foodie'. No doubt it's a lil pretentious at times, but he probably does know more than most of y'all about food and stuff.

Check em out. Or just ignore all i've written and wait for a better entry tomorrow...